Equalization in the Light of MATLAB Simulink


Equalization is, the technique, used to keep the balance between frequency components within an electronic signal, i.e. to minimizes ISI.

For many physical channels, such as telephone lines, not only are they band limited, but they also introduce distortions in their passbands. These distortions are generally InterSymbol Interferences (ISI).

Nyquist Condition:

The condition at which there is no InterSymbol interferences (ISI).


A device which is used to mitigate ISI, which are incurred by the signal when it is transmitted through some channel. It’s also used to improve the performance of the receiver.

Different Types of Equalizers:

There are different types of equalizers which are used on the basis of their functionality. Some of them are listed below:

  • Linear Equalizers
  • Adaptive Equalizers
  • Blind Equalizers
  • Decision Feedback Equalizers
  • Turbo Equalizers
  • Viterbi Equalizers

What is Signal Constellations?

A signal constellation is the physical diagram used to describe all the possible symbols used by a signaling system to transmit data and is an aid to designing better communications systems.

Equalizing a Signal Using MATLAB:

Equalizing a signal using Communications System Toolbox in MATLAB software involves these steps:

  • Create an equalizer object that describes the equalizer class and the adaptive algorithm that you want to use. An equalizer object is a type of MATLAB variable that contains information about the equalizer, such as the name of the equalizer class, the name of the adaptive algorithm, and the values of the weights.
  • Adjust properties of the equalizer object, if necessary, to tailor it to your needs. For example, you can change the number of weights or the values of the weights.
  • Apply the equalizer object to the signal you want to equalize, using the equalize method of the equalizer object.


% Set up parameters.
M = 16; % Alphabet size for modulation
sigconst = step(comm.RectangularQAMModulator(M),(0:M-1)’);
% Signal constellation for 16-QAM
chan = [1 0.45 0.3+0.2i]; % Channel coefficients
hMod = comm.RectangularQAMModulator(M); % QAMModulator System object

% Set up equalizers.
eqrls = lineareq(6, rls(0.99,0.1)); % Create an RLS equalizer object.
eqrls.SigConst = sigconst’; % Set signal constellation.
eqrls.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0; % Maintain continuity between iterations.
eqlms = lineareq(6, lms(0.003)); % Create an LMS equalizer object.
eqlms.SigConst = sigconst’; % Set signal constellation.
eqlms.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0; % Maintain continuity between iterations.
eq_current = eqrls; % Point to RLS for first iteration.
% Main loop
for jj = 1:4
msg = randi([0 M-1],500,1); % Random message
modmsg = step(hMod,msg); % Modulate using 16-QAM.

% Set up training sequence for first iteration.
if jj == 1
ltr = 200; trainsig = modmsg(1:ltr);
% Use decision-directed mode after first iteration.
ltr = 0; trainsig = [];

% Introduce channel distortion.
filtmsg = filter(chan,1,modmsg);

% Equalize the received signal.
s = equalize(eq_current,filtmsg,trainsig);

% Plot signals.
h = scatterplot(filtmsg(ltr+1:end),1,0,’bx’); hold on;
legend(‘Received signal’,’Equalized signal’,’Signal constellation’);
title([‘Iteration #’ num2str(jj) ‘ (‘ eq_current.AlgType ‘)’]);
hold off;

% Switch from RLS to LMS after second iteration.
if jj == 2
eqlms.WeightInputs = eq_current.WeightInputs; % Copy final inputs.
eqlms.Weights = eq_current.Weights; % Copy final weights.
eq_current = eqlms; % Make eq_current point to eqlms.

The example above illustrates how to use equalize within a loop, varying the equalizer between iterations.


As stated above, the first step in equalization of a signal is “creating an equalizer object that describes the equalizer class and the adaptive algorithm that you want to use.”

Setting up parameters:

First of all, we’ll define the size for modulation, which in this case is:

  1. M = 16; % Alphabet size for modulation

Now we’ll use System object, comm.RectangularQAMModulator, which modulates the signal using M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation with a constellation on a rectangular lattice.

Modulating a signal using quadrature amplitude modulation has two steps:

Calling step to modulate the signal according to the properties of comm.RectangularQAMModulator.

2. sigconst = step(comm.RectangularQAMModulator(M),(0:M-1)’); % Signal constellation for 16-QAM·         Define and set up your rectangular QAM modulator object.

4. hMod = comm.RectangularQAMModulator(M);                                                         % QAMModulator System object

Set up equalizers:

Now we’ll create three equalizer objects:

An RLS equalizer object.

5. eqrls = lineareq(6, rls(0.99,0.1)); % Create an RLS . equalizer object.6. eqrls.SigConst = sigconst’; % Set signal constellation.7. eqrls.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0; % Maintain continuity between iterations.

An LMS equalizer object.

8. eqlms = lineareq(6, lms(0.003)); % Create an LMS equalizer object.9. eqlms.SigConst = sigconst’; % Set signal constellation.10. eqlms.ResetBeforeFiltering = 0; % Maintain continuity between iterations.

Here eqlms is an equalizer object that describes a linear LMS equalizer having six weights and a step size of 0.003.

A variable, eq_current, which points to the equalizer object to use in the current iteration of the loop. Initially, this points to the RLS equalizer object. After the second iteration of the loop, eq_current is redefined to point to the LMS equalizer object.

11. eq_current = eqrls; % Point to RLS for first iteration.

Simulating the System Using a Loop:

The next portion of the example is a loop that Generates a signal to transmit and selects a portion to use as a training sequence in the first iteration of the loop:

% Main loop

  1. for jj = 1:4

13   msg = randi([0 M-1],500,1); % Random message

14   modmsg = step(hMod,msg); % Modulate using 16-QAM.

% Set up training sequence for first iteration.

15   if jj == 1

ltr = 200; trainsig = modmsg(1:ltr);

16   else

% Use decision-directed mode after first iteration.

17      ltr = 0; trainsig = [];

18   end

Introduces channel distortion

% Introduce channel distortion.

  1. filtmsg = filter(chan,1,modmsg)

Equalizes the distorted signal using the chosen equalizer for this iteration, retaining the final state and weights for later use

% Equalize the received signal.

  1. s = equalize(eq_current,filtmsg,trainsig);

Plots the distorted and equalized signals, for comparison

% Plot signals.

  1. h = scatterplot(filtmsg(ltr+1:end),1,0,’bx’); hold on;
  2. scatterplot(s(ltr+1:end),1,0,’g.’,h);
  3. scatterplot(sigconst,1,0,’k*’,h);
  4. legend(‘Received signal’,’Equalized signal’,’Signal constellation’);
  5. title([‘Iteration #’ num2str(jj) ‘ (‘ eq_current.AlgType ‘)’]);
  6. hold off;

Switches to an LMS equalizer between the second and third iterations

% Switch from RLS to LMS after second iteration.

  1. if jj == 2
  2. eqlms.WeightInputs = eq_current.WeightInputs; % Copy final inputs.
  3. eqlms.Weights = eq_current.Weights; % Copy final weights.
  4. eq_current = eqlms; % Make eq_current point to eqlms.


end % Main Loop Ended


The example produces one scatter plot for each iteration, indicating the iteration number and the adaptive algorithm in the title. The plot is below:


What’s a Digital Communication System?

The term digital communication covers a broad area of communications techniques, including digital transmission and digital radio.

Digital transmission, is the transmission of digital pulses between two or more points in a communication system.

Digital radio, is the transmission of digital modulated analog carriers between two or more points in a communication system.

 Why Digital?

There are many reasons

  • The primary advantage is the ease with which digital signals, compared to analog signal, are regenerative.
    The shape of the waveform is affected by two mechanisms:
    (1) As all the transmission lines and circuits have some non-ideal transfer function, there is a distorting effect on the ideal pulse.
    (2) Unwanted electrical noise or other interference further distorts the pulse waveform.
    Both of these mechanisms cause the pulse shape to degrade as a function of distance. During the time that the transmitted pulse can still be reliably identified, the pulse is thus regenerated. The circuit that perform this function at regular intervals along a transmission system are called
    regenerative repeaters.
  •  Digital circuits are less subject to distortion and interference than analog circuits.
  •  Digital circuits are more reliable and can be produced at lower cost than analog circuits. Also, digital hardware lends itself to more flexible implementation than analog hardware.
  • Digital techniques lend themselves naturally to signal processing functions that protect against interference and jamming.
  • Much data communication is computer to computer, or digital instrument or terminal to computer. Such digital terminations are naturally best served by digital link.

Elements of Digital Communication System

Communication System


Input Transducer:
The input messages can be categorized as analog (continuous form) or digital (discrete form). The message produced by a source must be converted by a transducer to a form suitable for the particular type of communication system employed.

Source Encoder/ Decoder
The purpose of source coding is to reduce the number of bits required to convey the information provided by the
information source. The task of source coding is to represent the source
information with the minimum of symbols. High compression rates (Good compression rates) make be
achieved with source encoding with loss-less or little loss of information.

Channel Encoder/ Decoder
A way of encoding data in a communications channel that adds patterns of redundancy into the transmission path in order to lower the error rate. The task of channel coding is to represent the source information in a manner that minimizes the error probability in decoding.

Digital Modulator:
It is used to transfer a digital bit stream over an analog bandpass channel, for example over the public switched telephone network, or over a limited radio frequency band. It is used for following purposes: 

  • For ease of radiation
  • To reduce noise and interference
  • For channel assignment
  • For multiplexing or transmission of several message over a single channel
  • To overcome equipment limitation

There are different forms of channel. The signal undergoes degradation from transmitter to receiver due to noise, fading, interference etc.

Equalization is, the technique, used to keep the balance between frequency components within an electronic signal, i.e. to minimizes inter symbol interference (ISI). Read about Equalization in detail here.

Different Types of Equalizers:
There are different types of equalizers which are used on the basis of their functionality. Some of them are listed below:

  • Linear Equalizers
  • Adaptive Equalizers
  • Blind Equalizers
  • Decision Feedback Equalizers
  • Turbo Equalizers
  • Viterbi Equalizers


  • Symbol/ Timing synchronization
  • Frequency synchronization
    a) Carrier frequency synchronization
    b) Sampling frequency synchronization

Channel Estimation
A channel estimate is only a mathematical estimation of what is truly happening in nature. It Allows the receiver to approximate the effect of the channel on the signal. The channel estimate is essential for removing inter symbol interference, noise rejection techniques etc.
Two basic types of techniques are used:

  • Data-aid algorithm
  •  Non-data-aid algorithm

Output Transducer
The output transducer completes the communication system. The device converts the electric signal at its input into the form desired for the system user.